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  29 April 2001                                         Word of the Week

Arise and Build  (Neh 2:20)    

"Arise and Build" - it used to be one of the VBS (Vacation Bible School) themes when I was a kid, but nothing more struck me strong about this theme than to basically understand that we were to "build". But there is much much more to that small but strong foundation. 

      In Neh 2:20, to brief it up, we see Nehemiah, being very sad because some people had reported to him the pathetic state of Jerusalem, the walls broken and city devastated and so on. So he pleads with the king to go there and set things right. When he arrives there later on, some people scoff at them, but Nehemiah the priest has the courage to say  - "The God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build:". My dear friend, this is what God wants to tell us today, "Arise and Build" - Enough of brooding, wailing, worrying, pitying over the devastation the devil brought into our lives - whatever the state of your life may be. God wants you to Arise put off your sack cloth, put off your Slumber, and BUILD.

    I thought I'd share something about what we can build , what needs to be built and how you can Build them!

1.    Build your Ark

    Gen 6:8,9,13,22        
Noah alone escaped the punishment God rendered on the wicked generation, because he was a just man. He obeyed God in building an ark. Yes it was an ark of protection - an ark of salvation - a mark of distinction from the Wickedness of the people. My dear friend, you have built your ark of Salvation. If you haven't yet, then it is not too late for you to make the most important decision in your life about surrendering your life to Jesus which is the only way to be saved from sin and its consequences thereof. The Bible says - the wages of sin is death. So enter into the ark of the Love of Jesus. Many people scorned at Noah for "imagining" rain and floods but the rains did come. Never let the scorn of other people, discourage you from building your salvation - from building your Christian Life. Noah's ark had to be water-proof, he couldn't afford to have holes in the ark and let water enter halfway through. In our lives, are there patches and loop holes where devil can enter and destroy our lives? It is time to seal our lives - "Sin proof" - Christian Life may begin with a one time commitment to Christ but it is the daily renewal of our relationship with Jesus that keeps us strong. If you have lost that relationship, my friend - take this time to rebuild your relationship with your savior.

Noah was a just man and God saved his family too. The Word of God rings out clearly in Acts 16:31 "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you and your family shall be saved". Hey brother! do not be discouraged, about your unsaved family. When you are faithful in building your ark of salvation, God will definitely have mercy on your family, mercy on your friend. Today is the day of Salvation! So build your ark of Salvation today!

2.    Build your Altar

 I kings 18: 21-40
During the time of Elijah, there was a big debate on who was the real God and so it was decided that they build up an altar and the God who answers by fire is the real God. So the prophets of Baal tried to bring down fire but in vain. Then Elijah " repaired the altar of the LORD that was  broken down". Isn't that wonderful, he built up the broken altar. The altar is a place of sacrifice. You can offer sacrifices of Praise - Have you stopped praising God in the recent days? It's time to rebuild the altar! Paul says - "We are in this world but not of this World" - There are things of the world in our lives - like TV, Internet, functions, relationships etc but what really matters is how we prioritize these things? Do we put God First and be the way he wants us to be. Will we be ready to give up these stuff, in situations God wants us to? How is your altar today? Elijah rebuilt the altar that was used for devil - so if you have been yielding to the plans of the devil, then it is time to rebuild the altar unto God, to lift the name of God, so that people can witness the miracle when God consumes the sacrifice on the altar and declare the "Lord he is God". Solomon offered a 1000 sacrifices unto the Lord and He appeared unto Solomon and blessed him. My dear friend, if you're in want of prosperity and Blessing, BUILD an altar of sacrifice unto the Lord and you will receive his blessings. Amen!

3.    Build the Temple

Solomon built the temple of God, yes he did. But his descendants defiled it and God could not live there. It is indeed a great thing to build a temple but it is so much more important to maintain it and rebuild the broken parts. The Word of God says in I Cor 6:19, "Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost"! Amen - A temple is a place where God lives. When Solomon built a temple the presence of God came down into the temple and God lived there. God says again - "Heaven is my throne and earth is my footstool - where O man can you build a house for me". Now that's a BIG God! But this Big God defying the measurements and powers of nature and the Work of His hands, chose to live in us - to be part of us. The gesture of Jesus was close to "angry" when he saw temple being a Business center for cheating and other dirty money exchanges. Mat 21:13 says- "My house shall be a house of prayer but you have made it a den of thieves" - Well, how is our temple today? Is there prayer and thoughts of God in our hearts or do we do business with the devil, do we bring in things that are of the devil and profane our body where we had once invited Jesus to live. Is the devil using his enticing words to tell you -"Serve me and I will give you all that you see" - Remember - No man can serve two masters. So you can have either Jesus to live and rule you or you can trade with the devil, the Father of Lies. The choice is yours.

4.    Build the Church

    The Church is the family of God - it is the body of Christ. So we can always be a part of building up the church. Many wheat grains together form the bread. So each one of us form the body of Christ. It is important to build the body of Christ because it is the will of God that all should be saved and none should perish. So when you have some unsaved brother or sister, whom you'd very much want to bring  unto the Lord and thereby build the Church of God, remember, that God is with you. He wants you to be a Rock like Peter. Who would have imagined this poor fisherman to be a great apostle later on, but Jesus did! He said "You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it"- Matt 16:18. Here is a special word of encouragement esp. to those who have been instrumental in leading people to Jesus or people involved in small ministries in your capacity. Whatever opposition you face, whatever word of discouragement the devil yells at you, Don't give up - 'coz you are a Rock. The Wise man Built his house upon the rock. The rains and floods and wind did come and beat upon the house - but the house stood firm. So during the course of your smallest ministry, as it may be, you may have floods and rains but God has declared you the "rock" and the work on the rock will not be shaken! Hallelujah!!

So build my friend! Build your salvation, build your life of sacrifices, build and maintain the temple of God that is your body and build the body of Christ, lead many into the Kingdom of God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Arise and Build!

God Bless You!

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